
Hi Everyone!

As you’ve noticed, I have been a major blogging slacker lately. I do miss the blogging community and the act of journalling, but I also really like spending less time on the computer after sitting in front of one for at least 10 hours/day because of work.

Some awesome things have happened in the last week during my blog slack attack:

1. I ran a 10K for a good cause.

2. Denis and I started looking for an apartment in San Francisco.

3. I quit diet sodas cold turkey (fear of aspartame).

4. After 5 days of searching, Denis and I were handed the keys to our new apartment in the perfect SF location. We move in mid-month.

5. I had my very first day as a manager with a direct report.

6. I ate my very first sou vide steak. I also ate some salads with dressing not on the side. And loved them.

7. I ran the San Jose Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon with a great friend (on almost no training!).

It was a great week. I want more weeks like that one. That being said, I’m going to go on a bit of a blogging hiatus. I want to spend less time on the internet, less time thinking about exercise and balanced diets and – above all – more time trying new-to-me things.

Denis and I are going to be starting a new joint blog to chronicle our adventures during our very first year living in a big city. We probably won’t be posting every day between the two of us, but I’m excited to share my love for blogs with him as well as our new life chapter with you. Stay tuned for the new blog name!

xoxo Paula